Library stuff

Nov 23, 2010 17:52

Did y'all watch Glee this week--the part where the AV Club president girl sneezes on Principal Figgins, and you see the sneeze in slo-mo?

Well, that sort of happened to me today.


First, I had just bent over to point to something in a student's book, and he went "coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough" on me.  I am not kidding.

Then later, there was a kid who normally is a sweetheart.  He came in to do research with this look on his face, sat down and would not do a single thing.  I asked what was wrong, but he wouldn't talk to me.  I cajoled him into doing a little, and when he came in later to check out a book, I leaned in close and whispered, "so, what was the deal with social studies class?  What was wrong?"  And he replied, "well, I have a REALLY sore throat and I feel terrible."


Also, this today:

child:  *sits and stares at questions he's supposed to be answering*
me:  Ok, time to get to work!
child: *rolls eyes* I'm using my prior knowledge!

Allllllllso, these are pretty hilarious for library school humor:

Library School: Hurts So Good


Library School: Get Swingin'

Happy Thanksgiving, all!  I'm off to make pies!

funny stuff, crazy students, work stuff, food, librarian stuff

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