Oct 12, 2006 22:00
Big administrative changes coming at work, and I spoke up today at a meeting and said what everyone else was thinking but was too chicken to say. Hope it was said diplomatically.
I have taught the same lesson to twelve classes recently. Kill me now.
I swear I am not making this up:
Twelve-year-old: The country I picked isn't in the World Almanac.
Me: Really? What country is it?
TYO: Africa.
Me: ...Africa's not a country.
TYO: It's not?
Me: No, it's a continent. Pick a country.
TYO: New York?
Me: No, that's a state. Can you name a country?
TYO: New York City? No, wait, that's a city, isn't it?
Me: *screams silently* Yes. Do you know of a country?
TYO: ...
Me: Where did your ancestors come from?
TYO: Columbia.
Me: Ok, that's a country. Look it up.
TYO: But I don't mean the Columbia that's in South Carolina.
Me: Yes, I understand that. Just...find...Columbia...in...the...World Almanac. *bites tongue*
Now, I'm not a whiz at geography, but honestly. I thought they taught continents and countries in elementary school.
The orb spider is in arachnid heaven, but now I have an angry, rabid-looking squirrel sitting about seven feet away from the porch shouting curses at me. Makes me glad I don't speak squirrel.
crazy students,
work stuff