I have new babies! They've been here a week now, and we all are adjusting nicely. They were nameless until yesterday, but I felt so badly that we were calling them Kitty 1 and Kitty 2, or Fluff and Other Kitty, that I just had to decide. So, here they are!
Charlie, the kitty formerly known as Fluff. He is medium-haired and his pictures never do him justice. He really is a beautiful cat. Don't you think he might be part Maine Coon? He has a wicked mohawk of long black hair running down the middle of his back, like a hyena. He is a purr machine, and a snuggler. Sooo sweet.
This is Finn. He is braver, bolder, and very photogenic. ("Look at me, I'm Gorgeous!") He has short hair that feels coarse. He is a purrer, too, and if not quite as affectionate, still loves to be right in the mix. He'd rather sit next to you than on your lap. He is a fierce hunter with the Toy-on-a-String.
Note the pretty pretty tummy.
They really like to watch stuff on the computer. It's hard to get anything done.
You'll be seeing lots more of them. Whether you want to or not!