May 29, 2008 13:06
Because of some fuck-ups from party leaders in their respective states, Florida and Michigan voters are likely to not be counted. I ask, since when is following ? As a former parliamentarian, I understand the importance of following rules that are set out in an organization's constitution and/or bylaws. But in this case, the voices of millions of people will be silenced because of a few people's mistakes. Now they're talking about sending a reduced delegation to the Convention in Florida's case and shifting the Michigan split from 73 candidates for Clinton, as was determined in the primary, to 69 delegates for her and 59 for Obama (Obama's people want an even 64-64 split - jackasses). DNC leaders need to step back, and think about what they're doing here. I understand that Michigan didn't even have Obama on the ballot, but in the time its taken them to set up this hearing, there could have been the regularly scheduled primary with both candidates on the ticket and then the people's votes could have really been counted. Instead, they've been bickering for months with no solutions while the Democrats of those two states watch as their votes are sliced and diced to fit technicalities.
I'm going to chalk this misstep up as another reform needed in Democratic primary rules along with superdelegates.