(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 19:36

My Christmas weekend was a roller coaster. Had a super stressful Christmas Eve with Matt's parents (oh god it was awful), then had a great time with my family, then a good Boxing Day eating vegetarian tamales. I got a lot of gift cards. I'm going to use my Record Exchange gift card to buy Depeche Mode: Tour of the Universe Live in Barcelona. Oh man that tour was awesome. I also have $45 in Barnes and Noble gift cards (probably going to buy Earth: the Book and maybe the Amy Sedaris craft book. Also awesome new socks (it's not Christmas without socks), and the requisite stocking full of candy.

Bought Matti the Autobiography of Mark Twain and holy crap is it huge! It's seriously a huge tome of killing proportions. Also we bought a PlayStation Move. There's a dueling game and it's way fun to swing a sword around. I accidentally hit Matti in the nads, oops. It was his fault for filming me making funny concentrating faces. We also have Soul Caliber IV and Little Big Planet and Fallout: New Vegas. Good times.

It's time to start getting ready to grab a drink, I suppose.

Oh nope, we're going to play Sports Champions. Good times.

playstation, parentheses

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