Aug 28, 2008 21:23
Everyone has a picturesque idea of summer. For some, it's cold glasses of pink lemonade, lounging by the pool or vacationing with friends and family. For others (like the all staff), this summer was full of concerts, new movies, new books and even a random road trip to the Longhorn state. For those of you who spent your three months away from higher education laying on your couch, eating potato chips and watching too many marathons of "America's Next Top Model," here are the sweet things you could have been doing.
First tattoo
Robert Checkal
It's never expected that you simply wake up and decide to get a tattoo. Most people plan out what they'll get for weeks.
One day in July, my roommate Tasha and I woke up and left for the tattoo shop. We went to Defiance Tattoos. Tasha and I told the guys what we wanted and waited on a couch until they were ready.
We kept making jokes and laughing while they prepped. We like to have fun and getting tattoos didn't make us nervous. Tasha got "Et lux in tenebris lucet" (which in German means "In the darkness shineth the light") across the top of her left rib cage.
I watched as they started Tasha's tattoo, and it didn't seem to make her flinch. She was done within a few minutes.
I got a star above each of my Achilles' tendons. I had to lie down so I couldn't watch what was happening. When the artist started it stung. I thought he was completely finished after the outline of the first star since Tasha's had gone so fast, which made me feel relieved...
Then he started filling it in. It hurt because the needle kept breaking skin and it bled a lot after he was finished. Later on, it felt like I had scraped the back of my ankles against concrete.
Waking up and deciding to get a tattoo was a memorable experience because it felt like very few people have done it, and sharing the experience with a great roommate made it even better.