Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails...

Sep 16, 2004 02:01

Every night with The Nooga is its own mini adventure, that kid just reeks of shit to do, you could do something new every night of your life for the rest of your life, just so long as you are hangin with Nooga. I wish that Poop Dick would come up more often, and like... not just disapear every other month. I fuckin love that kid. I fuckin love my dog that I'm taking care of. I fucking love that me and my lady have been in the pre-pre-wedlock for just over 11 months now. I love that I have two jobs, both of which kick ass. I love that I'm in a band, we might be one member short, leaving us unable to play shows, but it's still just fun being. By the way were called ELISE, we were supposed to have our first show on the 24th of this month, but a certain dooche bag bassist, who will go un-named (you know who you are), desided to ditch us and move to Florida, only to change his mind and stay here having his parents tell him that if he stays here that he can't be in the band. Dooche Bag. Too much drama, is it so hard to just play music. My dog is looking sooooo cute right now, it sucks that I only get to keep her while I'm taking care of her. But, oh well, any time with her is more than I could ask for.

Surprise me more, and I might snake you more. I fuckin love you.

Until next time.

It's crazy how the one you love most, is the one you see least. I miss you Sharee.
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