Sweet home Ullatti does not have the same ring to it as Alabama.

Jul 03, 2009 13:51

Okay, so. I feel like I write very little by way of journals lately, but I think it's mostly because I manage to get most of my odd thoughts out by way of Twitter and AIM. Anyway.

The past couple of days have been kind of horrible, but now I'm finally on the move. I ordered tickets yesterday, so I'll spend 16 hours on a train back home -- relatedly, fuck, dudes, I need to move north, the train ride alone is KILLING me -- and tomorrow my daddy will pick me up from the train station. I got ahold of Sandman for the journey (I was considering saving up the Buffy season 8 comics I got as well, but uh, not so much luck. Now I remember why I loved this show so much), and I've been running errands like crazy today.

It's much to warm for an unfit fatty like yours truly, kids. Slowly melting away. Did however get sushi for lunch, even though I overdid it with the wasabi. On the upside, my head is now remarkably clean.

I also managed to actually print my ticket, glory, glory, hallelujah. I managed to buy a printable ticket rather than one you collect at the train station, because I'm a moron, and I don't have a printer. Karin down at the train station was a darling and a half, though, and she let me print it from my email on her computer. Lovely girl.

I feel like I've been running around doing a million things for a month, but truth is, I was probably only out there for two hours. Still, though. Am dead.

Since I won't be around much for the next day or so (oh ho, like anyone would notice at this point), have meme:

1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me.
2. Go to Google Images and search for that word.
3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results.
4. Put this in your own journal so that I can do the same.

real people omg!, those strange family people, random, meme

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