Okay! I have had it waiting for this. Guys, we need a meme.
Allow me to explain: I hope you all have read
Texts From Last Night, and if you haven't, get thee hence and do so now. So here's the idea.
Choose one of these texts or text convos and write the scene that led up to it. As long or as short as inspiration strikes you, any character, any pairing, slash, het, gen, genderswap, college aus, regular old touring douchery, it doesn't matter, just write it! Gabe being a dick? TAI doing weird shit on their tourbus? Jersey douchebaggery courtesy of MCR? A Panic boy managing to stick his dick where it didn't belong? Angst or total crack or porn or total hungover mortification? Write it!
Pimp at will, tell your friends, come and play!