Steph and I started trying to cast my NaNo just now, and it proved difficult. Seriously? Shea (my main character, for those of you just tuning in) is fucking hopeless to cast. I have such a picture of him in my head, trying to force some actor or whatever in that part makes my brain hurt. That being said, I did find one person that always reminds me of Shea.
Linn: Actually, thinking about it... Shea looks a little bit like Brendon.
Steph: ~eyes you~
Steph: all right
Steph: ~giggles~
Linn: I bought Fever and things just happened. They have that same kind of... intense look, if that makes sense? Strikingly good looks.
Linn: Also the eyebrows.
Steph: ~nods~ yeah, okay
Linn: He's not an exact copy. It's more the general sense of eyesmouthhairhandsohmyfuckinggod that you get from Brendon though, more than the actual looks.
Linn: I can recognize a hottie, even when I'm not interested. Also, I think Brendon's got a better ass
So! Wrong eye color, and Brendon is about half Shea's size, but hey! Whatever works.
Okay, this is just cute. Though I'm pretty sure Sirius would roast Shea over open fire if Shea ever manhandled a guitar.
I have NO idea why this one reminds me so forcibly of Shea, but DAMN.
Not quite so skinny though. And I doubt Shea would ever wear that shirt. He'd probably be cute in it though.
Oh, yes. Such hard work it was for me to go through all my Panic pictures to find these. And post them. And ogle. SUCH hard work.
Of course, I sincerely doubt Shea would ever wear a corduroy jacket. The shades though, oh, yes.
Okay, you know how I said intense? Yeah.
But wider. And taller. Though it would be a miracle if you actually got Shea into a dress shirt and pants. He's a jean man. Or leather. He's more than happy to work leather too.
That being said, Shea's smile is probably something closer to this. Charming motherfucker.
Also this:
Is kind of spookily reminiscent of Draco, for some reason. Except that Ryan is also about half Draco's size, and a couple inches shorter. My boys are TALL, yo.
Not to mention that this:
Makes me think male!Zareth. It's the ridiculous anime eyes. And the heartshaped face. And the dorky smile. And the prettiness.
What? Look, I'm just trying to stay awake, guys.