Ahahaha, oh, dear. Aly, darling, we wrote 5K+ yesterday. Need to finish that shit up some day. And also, NEEDS MOAR SEX SCENES. Because dude, that was smoking hot.
In other words, I have gotten to the point where GeeWay comes to class and tries to teach them something. They are ignoring him now though (Bren Urie and Ryland Blackinton are wrestling for a Snickers Bar), and I don't quite know how he is going to get their attention. Oh, well.
Moving on. Everyone's been complaining about their icons disappearing and showing something completely different. Allow me to add to the mystery -- your icons look fine to me. All the time. Seriously. No weird-ass anime ones anywhere.
Meme tiems!
- Post a Comment and I'll randomly assign you a letter (A - Z in the English Alphabet)
- Then you have to respond by listing ten things/people you LOVE that begin with that letter.
- Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
angelcakes694 gave me the letter G, and lemme tell you, guys... this was HARD. So I may have fibbed a little toward the end.
1. Gerard Way. Oh, come on, like you didn't know he'd be there. Oh, Gerard, how I love thee, let me count the ways... no, there's to much, let me sum up. I love everything about him. Full stop.
2. Gsf. Specifically of the Panic variety. Polyamory is the new black, kids.
3. Greta Salpeter. Seriously? She is bandom's girlfriend, and she is devious. She owned my heart from the moment I saw that video of her changing a tire while all the boys stood around her looking useless.
4. Grammar. Yes. I am a nazi, and the class on it was amazing. I love grammar.
5. Guilty Pleasure. Because Gabe came here to make you dance tonight, bitches.
6. Good days. Who doesn't like them? Sadly mine are pretty far between, but I love them when they come.
7. Gay men. Come on, what is not hilarious and fuzzy-making about gay people? Gay couples always makes me feel all warm and cozy on the inside.
8. Genderswap. Hi, my name is Linn, and I am the crazy genderswap lady, how may I be of service?
9. Guarders. Long story. I'll just say origific and MADE OF CRAZY AND AWESOME, we'll leave it at that.
10. Girls. Mmmmm. Girls. They are very sexy, I like them.
Oh, and also?
1) make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment. (that way you're not leading the questions asked to fit the characters.)
2) ask your flist to post questions in the comments.
for example: 'one, nine and fifteen are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from four. do they succeed?'
'under what circumstances might five and seven fall in love?'
'which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?'
'write a drabble in which three and five fight crime.' (...possibly not technically a question.)
3) after your flist has asked enough questions, round them up and answer them using the fifteen characters you selected beforehand, then post them.
Furthermore, and this is for my origific filter, would anyone at all be interested in doing this 15 characters meme for my original characters? I realize it's probably a stupid question, but I think it could be an interesting exercise for me (I could write drabbles or whatnot), and it would let you get to know them a little better. So, thoughts?