Most depressing pimp post ever, y/y?

Aug 12, 2008 00:06

I feel like I've been spamming a lot the last couple of days and I'm sorry about that. I feel like I'm living on nervous energy right now -- people keep asking me questions I don't want to answer and I have to do something I really wish I didn't have to.

Anyway, the point of this post is this: thematchesfic. Brand new fic (and more) comm for The Matches that Bee and I are co-modding. I don't know if it's bandom that is doing things to my brain, because now I've not only written porn, but I'm modding two comms, what the hell?

It's a little weird to be honest, but at the same time it's interesting. I'm always hit by this when I post shit to comms, or read other people's posts on comms... we all sound kind of the same. We're trying to sell something in this barter economy of ours, and we all hide some sort of desperation ("please, please, read my fic") beneath wittiness. It's important to sound witty, wry, maybe a little sarcastic, charming, but at the same time you need to somehow convey that you know what the fuck you're talking about. Intelligence is important, hugely so, but unless you're writing meta, charm and persuasion is a grander weapon. Bring people to you, make them want to stay, make them want to hear what you have to say. I don't know if people are aware that this is what they're doing, but I suppose on some level they must-- they're posting their fic and other things to comm for a reason, right?

I really wish I wasn't this cynical about the whole thing.

But hey! Fic comm! For The Matches! I'd say we've got something going there. We'll see.

the matches, how did this happen?, thinky thoughts, pimp

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