I read
Shotgun yesterday, once or twice or a dozen times, and somehow that must have made a real impact, because I was actually dreaming about it this morning. Or well, I don't know, dreaming? Most of my weirdest and most coherent dreams are usually in that state of half-wakefulness where I know that I'm dreaming and am aware of the room around me, but where I'm still mostly asleep. Point being, I dreamed bandom dreams. Not the first time, but unusually coherent.
Frank was proposing to Gerard. I've been reading Vanity Fair a lot too, recently, so possibly that may have something to do with it. I'm not entirely sure if Gerard was a man or a woman, (I think he was wearing a dress or a robe of some sort, though. Dark green silk, I'm pretty sure), but he was sitting in some kind of parlor and Frank was kneeling on the floor right in front of him.
"You have to understand," he said. "It's. It's you, Gee. Your eyes, they bewitched me from the start, I can't think straight anymore." It was all very much regency novel as written by Barbara Cartland, you understand. "I think about you every second of the day," Frank went on. "I can't stop, you're always there. Please. I love you. Marry me, please." To this Gerard replied, "Please don't toy with me," and Frank said, "I'm not, I would never. My heart is on the line as much as yours."
It was really sweet actually. He sounded so earnest, and Gerard was just staring at him with his heart in his throat. I know that the realistic part of me (which the romantic, suspension-of-disbelief part tried to shush) kept wondering, "where's Mikey? Some sort of chaperone? They would never leave a young woman/name-bearer alone with a suitor like this, it's not proper."
I think Gee said yes. I'm pretty sure of it, actually, because he seemed so incredibly happy, but I woke up for real before that happened.
This is a vast improvement from the night before where I dreamed about a pretty blond girl who cut her own eyes (with bonus eyelids!) out with a kitchen knife in a fit of insanity and then woke up the next morning screaming when she realized what she had done. Or the time I dreamed about that really, really violent and bloody fisting (*shuddergag*). Or all those times when people died in my dreams. I mean, it's pretty fucking fantastic to dream something where I'm not desperately trying to claw my way into wakefulness just so I won't have to see all the blood. :/