Aug 29, 2003 00:29
got moved. yay. living with earl now. we both ended up having to move. i scared the shit out of old roomie with rise against. he started being real nice after i started playing it.
had audition for the two shoes tonight. it was bearable, pun intended. I had to tell a joke and sing. my joke was ... why was 6 afraid of 7. B/c 7 8 9. think about it folks. yeah. i was gonna sing happy b-day but 2 people had already done it so i did a snippet of girl from the north country by ole' Bob. i don't think i sounded that bad. i dunno. maybe dorothygale3 or johnbobearl will respond and tell me how bad it really was. I had to read once in that play. i sucked but i wasn't the worst.
i then had to audition for twelfth night. i sucked ass but i got through it with a shred of dignity. i hope.
going back to the ville in the morrow. i'm staying til' sunday so if anyone else is in town they should give me a call on one of my phones. i'm excited i'm getting soul calibur 2 and snes comp. i can't get mirc to load though and it's pissing me off. oh well.
new movie quote quiz...and Earl is now exempted.
"of course i'm scared, you think i'm reluctant because i'm happy?"
"that was my understanding"
"when there is doubt, there is no doubt"
"either you're part of the problem or you're part of the solution or you're just part of the landscape"
"No questions. No answers. That's the job we've chosen. You just accept it and move on."
let see if anybody gets that one. if they have seen the movie, they will.
goodnight to the sane, fuck all the psycho's cept for trav