I am charged with a quest at the moment. a most holiest of quests. i am trying to find an origional Nintendo Entertainment System. I am determined to have one by tomorrow if it kills me, o.k. i have one on hold but it's expensive. I then tried to find one of the games that is most important to any gamer. Metroid. E.B.=no, Babbages=no, Game Crazy=no, Rhino Games=no. My next attempts to find it will be pawn shops or flea markets. If I can't find it there I may have to *Gasp* buy it on Ebay.
I also need to buy the mario series, donkey kong, excitebike, megaman, zelda, contra, punchout. anybody know some good titles i'm forgetting about?
off day and pay day, coincidence? I think not.
anyone willing to join the quest tomorrow should give a call.
movie quote time:
I'd strike while the iron is hot if I were you. He who hesitates, masturbates.
Oh, nice jump spiderman.
Isn't it funny we ended up in this position ? Seriously ?
Don't get burned by the molten lava
He think's you're the cat's pajamas
I cannot listen to any of your instructions . For you are my sworn enemy and are about to meet your demise .
everyone give that a shot
:: how nintendo are you? :: HELL YEAH
de facto gamer