Dec 04, 2005 19:44
well everyone, time for another update from the guy who fell off the face of the earth.
so... the christmas season is upon us once again. this makes me very sad. i've only been able to purchase presents for 3/4 of my immediate family and none of my friends so far and i feel horrible about it. i want to give everyone presents all the time so it really sucks that i can't give my friends presents on christmas. just so you know.... you will receive presents... eventually. please forgive the wait.
on a happier note... I CAN'T WAIT TO BE HOME FOR THE BREAK!!!! i have a lot of catching up to do with a lot of you so everyone in CB had better make a lot of time for their favorite homo (that would be me)and get me drunk because as i mentioned before, i'm lacking in the funds department.
I would like to give special mention to a few people:
1)Vicki- because i havn't seen you since the day before you left for katimavik. i saw some pictures of you that nikki sent me and i love your hair. happy to see that its growing back quite nicely.
2)Janet- because you will hate me if i don't mention you. plus i don't want you to go find a new fag boy. i heard you used your pet name for me when you were talking to marcus and thats not cool.
3)Nina- your my sexy bitch... enough said.
4)Nikki- rocks that your online again
5)Laura- i'm still using the icon you made for me. it rocks and so do you.
theres a lot of other people too but i'm not gonna write a five year long post in my LJ and i have other things to mention.
So, in case you havn't heard... there's now a guy. His name is Tristan, he's really great and hopefully people in CB will get a chance to meet him someday. i'm not gonna get too mushy because its still the very beginning of whatever we're heading towards but i'm still very happy about the situation.
i'm rather disapointed in all of you because no one has been e-mailing me AND Nina and Marcus are the only people who have come to visit me in the (almost) 4 months that i have been living here.
on a totally different topic, Krystle and I cooked a whole chicken today. we feel very accomplished.
thats all i have to say.