clear hearts.

Sep 04, 2003 20:17

how are all of you? I don't say it enough, but I want to say thankyou to all my friends who have listened to me whine&be self-absorbed&have mood swings the last few weeks, I really do appreciate it hugely. I know the most beautiful people.

it's things like 11am letters and creeping along self-made daydreams forever that made going back to school yesterday so hard. I want to soak myself in things that are so beautiful they can't possibly exist,things so fragile they snap in your hands but you need to touch them anyway. I'm becoming worse and worse at waking up and speaking and saying hello to people I know nothing about, we have so little in common aside from the shared friends we know and when you can see people breaking inside how can you stop it?I love watching I signed up to life-class until March because the human figure fascinates me beyond reason, I love how much is evident from where somebody sets their feet, what they look at on the wall,the arch of their neck and the weight of their head,personality spilling out of your mouth and your fingers forever and ever,unstoppable and all powerful,all you have to do is watch. I love sitting in the self-conciously cheap cafe on the highstreet and making up stories about every wrinkle in the corner,all those people whose lives you'll never know and I cancelled my driving lesson and stayed there for two hours and one cup of tea knowing nothing real about any of them,it's inexplicably sad. I wish I could know the world.