413 and shtuff.

Jul 12, 2004 03:56

This episode made me retarded with happiness.

I found myself cheesing after the episode end. Until the dumbfuck's at showtime messed up and there was no sound for the season finale preview. All I could do was stare in horror as everyone said muted things to everyone else and had facial reactions, and I'm sure I got everything wrong, but gah. That part was sad. I kept watching like they'd realize their fuck up and replay it. they didn't.


Micheal and mother were engaged on the same day. That's all.

B/J sneaky spy scene and then cycle makeout. woOt. They cut away just before Randy lost his balance and racked himself. and cried. and gale cried out of his blinding love for him. seriously. no one is that graceful.

Ben/Michael/Hunter hanging out of the bus clapping. yeah?.

Lindsay/Melanie fights? I'm starting not to care too. If ever I did.

Gus is cute! Gus + Brian = SQUEEEEE!!!@!11

It was cute how excited everyone got when they entered "Toronto." man, what a long trip. He. Hehe. OK, I'll play along.

--conclude highlights--

OK, so I'm not as insightful as I let on. Humor me. I've decided lurking and posting once every three months is a waste of this obnoxious flourescent color scheme. And so, I post. Maybe regularly. Maaaaybe.

It's 4 in the fekking morning.
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