Ср, 20:33: RT @ OrtizKicks: A person I respect tremendously and has played and won major trophies in MLS believes Dynamo could get a quality player ...
Ср, 20:35: RT @ GingeFC: "It's not about, is it men's soccer or is it women's soccer, it's soccer." -Brandi Chastain ...AMEN!
Ср, 21:48: RT @ OrtizKicks: Here's my solution to end Ching "Hostage" situation. If this works, they'll name the new press box in my honor. http://t ...
Ср, 21:53: @ ortizkicks Hainault is a proven asset to this team and he's made his feelings about staying hear clear.
Ср, 21:55: @ ortizkicks trading away Hainault isn't reasonable it's madding. I would lose all my respect for this club if they made such a stupid trade
Ср, 21:57: Have a feeling I'm gonna regret those last couple of tweets. But damn he pisses me off
Ср, 22:11: Why should we give Montreal they want. They might have Ching but they also are now stuck paying him for what I'm (cont) http://t.co/KtDmWrur
Чт, 05:08: I do not get some #houstondynamo fans willingness to trade away Hainault for Ching. IMO that's like trading away Cameron. #makesnosense
Чт, 05:09: Losing Hainault would leave a massive whole in our defense. One I'm not sure Sarkodie, Ibeagha or Wanger could fill #houstondynamo
Чт, 05:10: And are we all forgetting we have CCL qualification in July? We need death in the backline to do well there. #houstondynamo
Чт, 05:15: The back4 of Hainault, Cameron, Boswell and Ashe was a big part of the reason we went 9 games unbeaten. Why mess with that? #houstondynamo
Чт, 05:17: It also sounds like Montreal have made their minds up on keeping the #1 pick #mls
Чт, 05:46: I'm at 24hr Fitness Woodlands - Sport (1800 Lake Woodlands Drive, Six Pines, The Woodlands) http://t.co/WBcuaA9m
Чт, 07:02: RT @ dcapodice: Tired of MON fans say that HOU tried to game system by not protecting Ching. Why build team around max dollar vet who wi ...
Чт, 10:31: RT @ dynamotheory: Got a legitimate and interesting rumor about the Dynamo looking at another potential DP forward. Hint: He's from Sheff ...
Чт, 10:38: RT @ ChrisCanetti: Arrived at draft table. Lots of rumors flying about. Exciting to see the speculation but use caution before jumping to ...
Чт, 10:40: RT @ FulhamFC: FA CUP CONFIRMATION: The Club's Fourth Round FA Cup match against Everton at Goodison Park will be played on Friday 27th J ...
Чт, 11:33: #revs picked Rowe I'm actually surprised by that pick. Good pick up for them #mlsdraft
Чт, 11:51: RT @ PhilSchoen: While MLS assigns it's 23 year old newcomers, Hoffenheim & Wolfsburg just signed two 13 year olds from other clubs. http ...
Чт, 12:23: It's the best thing long term RT @ GioSardo As per @ alexilalas22 , he spoke with Dynamo prez and no deal for Ching in foreseeable future...
Чт, 12:25: Okay now I really need to get back to work. Happy with #HoustonDynamo pick. Last forward we drafted worked out pretty well @ wbruin
Чт, 13:38: My god it's freezing outside. Was getting used to this warm January we were having
Чт, 13:43: @ yossarin let me guess Montreal wanted Hainault and we rightly so won't give him
Чт, 13:43: RT @ yossarin: Kinnear confirms if they get a DP that it will be an attacking player
Чт, 13:44: I would think us getting an attacking and then player as a DP was a given if we get one. #HoustonDynamo
Чт, 13:44: RT @ OrtizKicks: Canetti has assured me that it's wrong for folks to think Dynamo don't want Ching, but fans also know the conditions hav ...