saturday mornin'

Jan 29, 2005 11:59

i prolly should change the layout..

a lot of stuff has gone on in the past.. 29 days, but i won't remember half of it.
school has started and i guess its alright. i have band again this semester, i have the UT class as a block now, taking english with a new teacher at magnet - some pervert guy. we hardly do work. friday we just did stupid riddles all block lol. it made my head hurt haha. i guess. and last block tapestry. <- blah.
i have to go pre-register with the counselor soon, and she wants to know our 1.major 2.our top five college choices and 3.two other ones we're "thinking" of going to. so right now i'm looking up some stuff on all that. i'm thinking of psychology so far, so that's what i'll prolly go with.
vanessa DJ'd last night! on aggie radio haha. i didnt get a chance to hear her cuz it was from like 2 to 4 in the morning, but she said she'd get an earlier broadcast next time. here's the link to listen and make fun of her later :P
me and mounik.. oops.. MOUNIK AND I.. babysat yesterday lol. it was pretty fun. two 2-year-old boy twins, a 4-year-old girl, and an 11-year-old boy who should be like on Star Search if we still had that show lol. he could play the guitar, piano, sing, drums, etc. lol! he added us to msn, lmao, its cute though.
my family's aight. my brother and brother-in-law took the firefighter written exam this week, so they'll find out soon their scores and stuff.
emmita is still here, being her cute self lol.
i'm prolly gonna go out with mounik today. mall. best buy. jamboozie shiat.
i'd update you on mounik, but stuff with her changes all the time lol.
we TAKS tested on mm.. wednesday i think. english, blah it only takes the longest.
monday we're going on a field trip to see phantom of the opera. i get to get out of school, so its cool.
things are kinda at a stand still right now. not much is going on. it's 1:23 already. i should go take a shower and wake up more. but ahh..
i kinda want a boyfriend. kinda.
i guess i'll change the layout later.
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