My day....

Nov 14, 2004 01:23

So my hot water heater broke. SUCKED ASS.

Then I had to go to the craft fair at my school because the fucking wrestling team won't help out their fundraiser and Mable (awesome teacher) asked me to help. God. Two of those guys showed up last night when we had to haul 20 lunch tables across campus in the pouring rain and then FOUR showed up today bitching because me and Sunshine were two minutes late. THE NERVE.

So that took up from 2:30 - 4:30. All the time before that was trying to produce hot water (I woke up really late too... so add that).

Then I went to work.... yeah.

We had an assistant manager from another theater fill in at our theater today. COOLEST GUY EVER.

He might come work at our theater eventually. That'd be so fucking awesome. Me and Erica talked to him for a looong ass time tonite and he's funny as shit. God. I think I'm in manager-love. BAHAHAHAHAH! Just kiddin'!

I worked til midnight (boo!) and Chad and Pari showed up at the theater around 11:45 because they had just gotten out of "Seed of Chuckie" at another theater and wanted to share how sucky they thought it was. Around 12 when I was supposed to leave Chad pipes up "HEY! If we put sugar in the kettle instead of salt would it make KETTLE CORN???"

We got really excited about this but figured the oil would screw it up... but the assistant manager dude let us make it. We put in like... half a bag of sugar, ha! My manager would have shit a brick.

So it came out and was FRIGGIN DELICIOUS! Not only that, it was JUST STICKY ENOUGH to make popcorn balls with but not make your hands too sticky... so then we went on the roof of the theater (it's an old theater, there's a second floor which is the break room and then a third which is the upstairs projection booth (used to be a bathroom before renovated? I dunno, there's a toilet in there.) and hung out up there for a few.

Then I gave Chad a ride home so he wouldn't freeze his ass off on his bike.

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