009 [voice/action for those around Violet]

Sep 17, 2010 05:52

 [Now, throughout the course of his stay here, Phoenix had finally managed to get himself a realtively normal sleeping pattern, especially once he got reunited with Maya and whatnot.

--but here he is, up at the wee hours of the morning, huddled in some far corner near the Route 32 entrance to Violet.

Unless you're up at this hour, however, you won't see that, or his tired, drawn-out expression, since this transmission is purely voice.]

Hey, guys.

...is it possible for...for people to come here that are, er...in jail, maybe, back in their own worlds? Or can ANYONE be transported here?

I-I'm just curious.

[You're not fooling anyone, Phoenix. You can hear it in his voice -- he sounds incredibly, well, strained. Good luck, Phoenix!]

shit just got real, phoenix the butt monkey, + gokudera (stupidera), violet city, + shelly de killer (shellderkillder), !ic, shameless tag pimping, !event, ghost girlfriend from the black lagoon, ominous prelude, + kay faraday (yattagarasu), i've got a bad feeling about this, + johan andersen (overthedratini), route 32, darn you johto darn you well, + larry butz (itsthebutz)

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