Jan 13, 2006 16:10
Hey ho, actually doing rather well at the minute, kitchen still a bit untidy, but I'm sure that wouldnt take too much to rectify. Washed some dishes last night, Mark bought new sponges, the other ones were dire. Did a Cells and Biomolecules exam yesterday, I feel it didn't go too bad so here's hoping I passed. Chemistry exam on Tuesday, should do some work for that, Chemistry frys my head, but ah well if I put in the work then it shouldn't be too bad. Went after my exam and bought my bus ticket home, £29 return to the Europa bus station, nice, only downside about it is the 6 hours travelling time, but boats are fun, more fun than planes. I then went and got films, Saw, American Beauty and Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood. All ace films, I think thats me up to 68 now, only need to get 32 more to reach my yearly quota, I'm sad I know, but I've set myself targets and I'm a persistant person. I think I'm in a good mood due to endorphins, but enough said about that. Not a clue what I'm going to do tonight, feel like going out to be honest, haven't made it properly out since being back, should go get haggered, oh yes.