Apr 23, 2007 22:03
Boo. I was reminded that this thing ain't private. What's put online is public. I'm not sure if, for LJ, it's just public comments, or if the "friends-only" ones also count as public domain in some lawyer's fucked up mind. Not worth all the hassle. So I'll just be more careful and circumspect around here.
I'll only be posting friends-only after this. And I'll be a bit more careful what I post. It's not true privacy, but then, that's what we have private journals for. This is a way to keep in touch, and so it's only worth having if I can speak...even if it's circumspectly. So....yeah. Friends-only. W00t.
If you think you should be and aren't, drop me a comment or two and I'll see whether I want to add you or not.