Sep 12, 2003 21:46
Hey people!
I dont have anything to say has been a routine...just doing the same old things every day. I dont have any fun...cuz im always busy...and nothing cool happens. Im just bored! People invite me to go places but i never can because of my parents and eventually they stop asking and i get left out or something...or i start to feel excluded. *~SoMeOnE~* didnt call me yesterday when they said they would(*coughralphcough*). Our volleyball team cannot win a freakin game if their lives depended on not trying to be conceited but if our team were clones of me and liz...we would win!! Seriously, i have bad games sometimes but my team mates needta work on their skills! CUZ I WANNA STOP LOSING! Well, i gotta go nothing is going right...bu bye!