Feb 15, 2005 18:26
last nite was uneventful. what's up w/ that kid?
psh. whatever. the ball is in his court now.
if he brings it up, he brings it up.
he has 2 weeks to think about it!
i took an hour and a half nap.
i am still tired.
uh, i don't know what viewpoint pics to take!
so far they are all so ugly :0(
oooooooooh! home alone for the weekend!!!!
i'm so excited. you have no idea.
so pretty much saturday nite we're goin' out on the town.
where to? i don't know.
but out we shall be!!!
p.s. i just totally got "accepted" into crazy_4_soco run by 2 pretty nifty gals i know (michelle and krista). so pretty much you should join too. dooooooo it.