Miss Universe 1995 National Costumes

Feb 22, 2005 09:14

One of the most interesting things that I like about the Miss Universe pageant is the National Costumes worn by the delegates.

Every year, designers from each delegate's country will design a costume for the girl to wear at the Miss Universe pageant.

This costume is supposed to represent the culture, essence and style of the country that the girl is representing.

It is an explosion of color and spectacle that each viewer enjoys and I especially love the gargatuan carnival like costumes worn by the girls from Latin America and the island nations.

Misses Singapore in the last few years have been wearing sarong kebayas as their national costumes. From the orange ones worn by Sandy Chua and Eunice Olsen, to the gold ones worn by Jamie Teo and Bernice Wong and the bright red one worn by Nuraliza Osman.
Tun Neesa Abdullah, Miss Singapore 1995's national costume is unique as it consists of 3 parts: A Chinese cheongsam cut dress, a Malay headdress and an Indian scarf around her arms to represent Singapore's multi-racial make-up.
In this post, I shall pay tribute to the national costumes worn by Miss Universe 1995 contestants, 10 years ago!


Miss Singapore 1995                     Miss Malaysia 1995                         Miss Australia 1995

Miss USA 1995
Miss Great Britain 1995

Miss Canada1995
Miss Japan 1995

Miss Korea 1995
Miss Hong Kong 1995

Miss Taiwan 1995
Miss Philippines 1995
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