Taking my internet ages to load - was just reminded that 'Patience is a virtue' - a comment made in the week when I went nuts at the Fonterra Helpdesk, I sent out this less than nice email and copied all our Grated Cheese staff into it. After writing payroll manually, and the system going down again later in the week, I had just had it, and HR wasn't helping any with other issues, so that made me react. Everything eventually got sorted. My boss just flicked myself and our Production Manager an email saying - 'Patience is a virtue.' in his would be sarcastic way, yep...so last week was definitely where patience was needed. Survived I guess....
I was sitting in the dark at work writing letters to people. lol, the weirdest things to do and the oddest times. I really had to get my opinions out there to someone. I think everything is good now with everything. Plodding along, as I say.
Was at work doing Music Research today and yesterday (part time weekend job). The girl next to me fell asleep, so I decided to prod her (working hours and all), I got the most evillest look, she obviously didn't like being woken, such a lovely gal normally.
Lesley is away for the weekend until sometime next week I think....so enjoying the time to myself, been freezing - just been at
Sar's live journal, and she has been talking about the sun - all I can hear now is the rain. Ready to curl in bed soon, was going to watch The Recruit on tv with the heater on, but have seen many times, and CSI looked a bit spooky for my tastes....especially if the power cuts off again tonight, like it did the other night. I would usually look at my alarm clock, and nothing, I thought I was dreaming.
Speaking of dreams - was at a convention yesterday, it was probably a church gathering or something....all I remember is that we were having Roast Chicken and vegies for lunch....sounded good to me, and my Dad was going to stand up and give his testimony, but all I wanted was lunch. My Dad's testimony is pretty good, he told it in Australia....he was a naughty lad when younger, you name it....he did it, jail, gambling etc etc. My Mum is even more straight laced than I am, she has been good for as long as I can remember. I turned out okay though, my Dad sorted it out when a Ch arrived in the world.
I am rambling here....but yeah, hope work is all good tomorrow - just imagine nothing working, and myself blasting the helpdesk again. I am normally such a placid person, but have been known to tell some off if they irk me too much.
My boss is over in Germany/Denmark all week looking at machines I think for work...so blissful Ch times....ugh, what have I done to my computer now - accidentally clicked some buttons and my scroll bar has disappeared..what's the command for that? fsomething....
ah well, gonna go hunt for that.....