Work Farewell

May 31, 2006 18:39

We had a work farewell today for Lesley's boss in Fonterra who works at the same factory as I do ironically - she is our site accountant, and will be until Friday, her new replacement would be about Lesley and my age, he seems nice. Lesley, Christine and I organised it. Lesley got the present, Christine, the card, flowers and vouchers - I managed the food side of it. So yum. We had Subway platters, cheesecake, muffins, savoury items. Everyone was so full at the end of it. There was heaps of it left, took up to the production staff, they were happy as. I ate way too much food today - lots of wonton things, with squid rings etc....cake, afghans, subway sandwich I saved up for lunch with a banana, plus my huge dinner I just had....blimp like right now.

Day went pretty good, started off doing payroll, just lounging back, answering my work emails, just sifting through. Filling out a stolen cellphone form for a guy at work. My boss rang me at 9:30 last night to get into my emergency contact register, seems he thought he had lost his wallet, and thought another guy might have it...hmm, this morning he said it was in his office all along. Hmm, not sure why he was still at work at that time of night anyway...probably not giving me enough to do, I am always out at exactly 4:30 pm or earlier.
Worked on production reports, sorting out queries, sussing remote assistance, seems I can help people on their computers, while they are in a different location and on their own computer, weird stuff...the helpdesk did it with me the other day, to install a new something or another on my computer....and I am always doing their fix ups for them.

My 'net has been playing up a lot lately, eg logging out as soon as I am in from home....I thought not having MSN was bad enough, try no internet, seems to be working now though for a bit.

Lesley was talking about how I would vote if there were a referendum to force people to stop smoking. Hmm, seems an MP on TV wants to bring in a bill of the sort. I don't know what I'd do - on the one hand I don't smoke, but if you suddenly forced this off some of my mates, I think things would go from bad to worse. One of my students back in Dargaville, who used to be a Mental Health worker used to make some interesting remarks about smoking - that is was a way to release stress and many wouldn't know what to do, if it was taken off them. I really don't know how I would vote. On one hand, a clean green New Zealand, well not really, we pollute in other ways. I mean, myself not being a smoker wouldn't mind either way, but I would hope if anything of the sort was passed that they had measures in place to cope with the strain on people, and just didn't ignore them.

And yeah....sorting mail is about as interesting as the Roadshow....and *hugs* Sar, hope you're okay now chica.
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