something else

Sep 21, 2024 03:24

here's the "other thing" I said I'd write about in here.

i'm reading a book about Robert Louis Stevenson's wife - more or less a joint biography. They each separately crossed the great plains, to California in the 1870s. That got me thinking about my great-great grandfather FAK, whose photo I posted a while back.

We know he was in Nevada in 1863. The photographer in Nevada is printed on the photo, and FAK's silver-mining stint is mentioned in his mini-biography in a county history.

How did he get to California? This was a couple years before the transcontinental railroad was finished. He could have gone to New Orleans to catch a boat to Panama, cross Panama, and take a ship up to San Francisco. However! Civil War.

This means he had to go across country, a single man about 18 years old. He surely went on a wagon train. Possibly he connected up with someone that he knew, for he certainly wouldn't trust in being by himself. Even in a large group he'd need to be around someone's campfire at night. So, this is curious, and also something that we probably will never be able to figure out.

note on the usual thing: I went to bed about 8 o'clock last night slept well and feel a lot better today.



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