May 29, 2011 01:19
The Plaza hotel - New York... that's where i am.. sat in my room staring out the window from the sofa.. wrapped up in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate in my hands.. I was supposed to have gone home weeks ago.. i only came for a quick visit with work.. gave them some excuse about the new office saying that i would have to stay here longer.. that was a lie.. just because of a chance meeting..
--- FLASHBACK: Two months, 3 Weeks ago ---
In the airport waiting in line to check in.. i couldn't wait to get home.. gosh theres been a lot of organizing and paper work.. i just want my own bed.. as empty as it always feels it's mine.. in the big apartment that i share with nobody but myself..
Passenger: Can this go any fucking slower
i hear from somebody at the front of the check in Que.. 'that voice sounds familar' i shake of the fort and get back to checking that i have everything that i need.. passport, tick....
Passenger: Fuckin' 'Ell hurry up
Female passenger: Shh Vinnie.. the plane wont leave any sooner
Vinnie?? no it can't be... i lean around the people in the Que.. i'm rather far back you see
Okay not only did i say that out loud but i also said it loud enough for him to hear.. i know that because i see him charge towards me
Vinnie: So it is still you then
he rages at me pointing his finger in my face
Sophie: W-what?
was about all i could manage, as i see Janet pull on his arm
Janet: Common before you get us in trouble
she mouthed the word 'sorry' too me as she pulled him away
Sophie: What do you mean it's still me..
i say as my feet Independent of my body started to follow their direction.. why? i don't fucking know but they did.. and here i go i've just pulled on his coat
Vinnie: Don't act like you don't know, that's why you're here
he screamed turning to face me..
Vinnie: You always did have a hold on her
Security guard: sir were going to have to ask you to calm down
he said as he stepped between the three of us
Vinnie: Why the fuck should I?
Security Guard: Please step this way sir
he said as he started to lead Vinnie off in the opposite direction.. my mind was in turmoil what the hell did he mean then i looked up and i saw Janet trialling behind.. i ran up to her.. i don't know why but i did
Sophie: Wait, Janet please, what did he mean
Janet: Oh come off it Sophie we know that your the reason she is.. is..
Sophie: GAY!
i screamed i know i shouldn't i felt like a teenager all over again, that was a long time ago now.. her face crested at my words and i realised i wanted information form her i shouldn't be arguing with her i saw her turn to follow the the gaurd to find Vinnie.. i place my hand on her shoulder
Sophie: i'm sorry i am.. please what did you mean
Janet: Oh.. she wasn't lying.."
All of a sudden she seemed to take an interest in her feet
Sophie: Please Janet.. what have i missed
Janet: Sian.. she's here in New York.. she said you didn't know.. she got a job offer.. thei fort you were still in contact i.. i'm... i...
Security guard: Mam can you come with me, your husband is asking after you
Janet: Sorry
she said as she turned and walked with the security guard
Sophie: Where is she?
i shouted out but it was too late she'd turned the corner she couldn't hear me, and even if she could i doubt she would tell me
Sophie: she's here
That was it.. all i needed to drop all, i had to find her again, i had no choice.. this is the one, i can't pass up that chance, not when she's all i ever wanted.. so here i sit.. in my hotel, tired alone, and wishing that maybe just maybe i would have found her by now.. but know.. i'm supposed to go home in 1 week, 7 days, 21 meals..
but only 3 places i haven't eaten at in the whole city.. I've eaten at all the restaurant's big, small, fancy, dead beat, only 3 more places, and i have made a promise to myself, that if i don't find her.. i bury her in my past.. i leave and i start a new life.. 3 more places, 3 more meals, 3 more chances.. 3 more lives.. thats it and them i'm done, i go home either having found her.. and put her back in my life.. or without her.. forever..
Meal for one.. it's not so bad.