The longest day...

Jun 21, 2007 17:45

A Joyous Solstice to all who celebrate it!

It really has seemed like the longest day here at work. *rg* And it's not done yet. *sigh*

In other news, because odogoddess loves me and tolerates my need to remain unspoiled for DH, she warned me there were new spoilers about, and I've managed to avoid them thus far. I've set up a filter for my flist, and I think I'll be reading LJ that way, from now until the official book release. I'm mostly going to filter out some open communities and remove a couple of RSS feeds that might pick up "funny" spoiler images or comments, so I hope to be able to keep up with the rest of youze guyz. :-)

solstice, spoilers, dh

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