Must not panic. Must not panic. Must not panic...

Nov 28, 2006 00:38

*looks at calendar*

*looks at clock*

*looks at fic*


[panicky babbling]They'll get done, I swear! Honest. I'm writing as fast as I can, but I got sick over the weekend and I lost most of a day to this farking head cold, but I'm writing, I am. I am! Ask odogoddess, she'll tell you. I'm writing, right, honey? I'm going to finish these stories, I promise. I promise! Please don't freak out! I swear I won't flake! Pleeeeease![/panicky babbling]

Nyquil has some really interesting side-effects, don't you think?

Back to writing...

smutty claus, snupin santa, writing

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