Apr 10, 2006 09:41
Alot of people really hold money to such a high standard...it's what they understand most. It's what allows them to be happy and live the good life. Right?
Yesterday, I helped a guy load a 500 pound tredmil into his truck. I called over a another dude to help out. After it was in, the guy gave me 5 bucks for the help. I walk away and the kid who I called over comments, "hey dude. Give me the money."
Uh....what? He gave me the money.
"But I helped. So its mine"
Okay, I'll split it afterwork. Meet me in the break room.
"No dude, I'll go get change right now"
Im still working and next thing I know, this kid is still persistent. I said after work. So he comes up with this smile that only money could have recognized as some sort of twisted euphoria. His pants pockets are jingling.
"Okay! I have the money. Right here right now!"
I said afterwork...if you bug me about it one more time, you're not getting shit.
"I said right now....give me my fucking money"
I stood there, took out my wallet and gave him the pleasure of thinking that he'd get his "hard earned" cash. Right before it was in his hands, I ripped that shit into 100 miniature piece and tossed them into his hands. I only wish I brought a boat for the river he cried for me.
I cannot fathom why people are so fucking greedy.