Things that are cool, things that are not.

Apr 04, 2005 11:13

So, time for my first entry thats neither a half-insane rant nor a series of technical abbreviations.

Life is good and life is bad. We'll start with the minus column

Class, pretty much half of my waking work days.
Studying, or feeling bad for not studying, pretty much the rest of the week.
The fact that I have trouble falling asleep at 3AM
No hockey til next year.

Baseball season starts today (Go Buccos!!!)
Spring break in two weeks
I have a chance to win $60 on the game tonight
Segue kicks some serious ass.

Which brings me to the reason I'm writing this. Segue is moving on after a show that really kicked ass. Its the first time I've ever heard them with Seth and the new singer (whos name eludes me at the moment) (Joe?). And since I have no sincere way to do it otherwise, here's my little tribute.

You guys make music that reminds me of a Picasso painting. Nothing seems quite like what it should be, and if you dissasemble the elements, you have nothing but a ragged collection. On the other hand, when you look at the whole, it just makes you think "How the fuck did they manage that?" I like to think of it as organized chaos. To top it off, you guys are gracious as hell, and just plain fun to watch (Adam, you die well onstage). So this is my way of saying "Thank you, Segue, for putting on a show that I am willing to pay to see, and for making me think that the future of music is not just looking to the past."

Pittsburgh Finals at Mr. Small's on May 28th (thats Saturday of Memorial Day weekend). Go to the show. Enjoy it.

P.S. - Bob - I dropped Benjamin off at SHJO so his parents could pick him up with his brother. While I was there I was talking to Mrs. Fox. She seemed mighty impressed by your success. Way to show up conformity. I still think you should try for education, but I've been wrong before. Probably more often than I'm right.
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