Sep 04, 2006 16:25
Today I went to school for 10 o'clock. My bus left 10 past nine so I started to walk to the bus station around 9 o'clock. while crossing a road a car went past me. It had 4 guys in it and the back window on my side was open. The guy sitting there sent me a kiss. Riiiight. That has never happened to me before. I have no idea who he was. And he was UGLY! I hope I won't see him again. I'll thorw a dog poop bag in the car then :D Today I just raised my eyebrow in 'you gotta be kidding me'. Anyway, my friend says that I should've sent him a kiss back. No thank you.
I have been so lazy again. I stayed at home for the weekend but I didn't get all the things done I was supposed to. I almost got my room cleaned up. I still have all my soft toys around the floors. I need to put those in boxes and in store. I didn't get Susku's present done but I did work on it. I did get my classes rescheduled and now I can only hope that I'll fit in them *crosses fingers*
My sister is now in Scotland with my grandma. I hope they're having fun.
On Wednesday I'll have my first little driving test. I need to keep it cool or I'll really screw it up ^^''' If I manage it, I'll move in to the traffic and I don't feel ready for it -.-
I guess that's for today. I'll try to work on the pictures soon. Gomen!