Aug 05, 2003 15:49
[[Well, with the departure of "Brad" and "Rob" comes the departure of me. Im very much not following their leave because they chose to.. because no one informed me of anything, but thats beside the point.
Things have been a major lack of fun lately and I have not enjoyed this for a few weeks now, and I need not go into details. For those that have been great friends who I have met and loved through this journal both IC and OOC.. thank you guys for making my experience back as Chester a fun one.. but come this time Im just altogether done with it once more. I've walked away from this role once before and now I am walking away again.
I've my own reasons for leaving and I know there are a couple that would understand.. You know the fun is lost when signing on is a chore, when friends completely stop talking to you, and when choices and things are made and your excluded.. the fun has been missing and this is my goodbye.
Thanks again to the friends I have made and kept and continue to stick by me :) You can contact me via email at if you would like to keep in touch and you have no means of contacting me :P
-Chester Shaped]]