Ive got shaky little fingers...that hold on to your grip...you've got wrapped around my world.

Oct 09, 2004 21:03

Im confused...about everything. lol...I know that sounds dramatic, but everythings gone wierd...like for example, my career thingy...Ive wanted to do it since I was little...now any faith I had in myself has gone and I dont believe I can do it...but what DO I want to do then? that is realistic...then have I done the right thing by going to college, by doing A Levels...by doing the A Levels that Im doing...Im confused with me...lol, how I see myself (badly) and how other people see me...I dunno why, just something someone said. and also...everyones so pretty, lol. I feel like a square peg in a round hole as my mum would say...lol. Im not saying that so people will bullshit me and say 'oh but u r' its just like when I look in the mirror its like, oh gawd. and I kno theres more to life than looks, but Im just not sure of anything atm...I hope it all settles down...Ive had such a bad week, lol. Im goin to bed anyway...night xxxx
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