Questions, questions, questions...

Dec 16, 2009 00:13

Got tagged by alipeeps , so, I suppose I've to obey... *lol*

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do it like a pansy.

1. Who sleeps in bed next to you?
uh... no-one. That's kinda sad, isn't it?

2. What did you last eat?
A pizza. :D *yummy*

3. What kinds of books do you read?
I really love science thrillers (e.g. everything from Robin Cook), and fantasy like LOTR or Harry Potter, and, of course, the Fandemonium SGA novels.

4. What are you reading right now?
To be perfectly honest... nothing. I don't know why, but these times I just can't get myself into reading a book. If I read something, it's only fanfics. I used to read a lot, I mean, really... A LOT!! But right now... nothing. *shame on me* *lol*

5. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Sorry, but I won't answer this question, that's my little secret! :P

6. Tell me something interesting that happened today.
I got an early christmas present from my boss, an amazon voucher. I guess he must have read my mind, that my basket there is growing faster than I can get the money for that. *lol* And on top of that, I got a call from the BAFTA guys, that I won a prize in the prize raffle when I attended the Merlin BAFTA event in November! *yay*

7. Name one odd item within three feet of you.
Would be my TARDIS usb hub odd enough?

8. What's your current fandom obsession/addiction?
Oh, that's an easy one... it's MERLIN!!!!

9. What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Begin my first Merlin fic... damnit, I've got the whole story in my head and just can't get myself to write it down. ^^

10. What are you most excited for?
Right now? The next (and sadly, the last) epsiode of Merlin on Saturday.

11. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
SG-P, LJ, email account,, and too many more...^^

12. What was the last thing you bought?
A secret santa present! :o) And surely, I can't tell you what it is... it's secret after all, isn't it? :P

13.What do you want right now, off the top of your head?
see No. 10! *lol*

14. What's your biggest procrastination method?
The internet of doom!

15. Are there any bits of childhood you miss?
I'm not quite sure... maybe that I didn't have to worry about anything. And of course, all the stupid games you can only play when you're a child. ;o)

16. Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
I'd say spring and autumn equally. I like the first warm rays of sunshine and the smell of spring. And I love the colours in the autumn. But most importantly, it's the right temperature for me... ^^ summer is too hot, winter is too cold.

17. Say something to/about the person/s who tagged you.
She was the first person I really got to know well while attending a con. And we're tattoo twins! :D Thanks, Ali, for a lot of really good times. Hope to see you again! *hugs*

Okay, so, I'm gonna tag iolandasblog , tmz_cori , antares04a , kj_svala , arielen , sinaida , valika56 , ronsoftie .

Have fun, guys! *insert evil grin* *lol*


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