I've been very slow to politics. Although I'm interested in almost every topic under the sun, politics was always one that couldn't keep my attention. I wished to be an informed and active citizen but wasn't.
Things are changing. I can't say that I have any money to spare, but I made my first political donation ever today.
I had to. The email I received from
MoveOn.org moved me to action. Actually, it was this stupid and unfair ad that McCain is airing that blames Obama for our high gas prices! Sure, to you and I that's clearly ridiculous (This is all his fault?) but to many, a commercial serves as a source of information. If they so, it's so. And we all want to blame someone.
MoveOn.org asked for money to help air a counter commercial, and I am so infuriated by McCain's ad that I donated.
View the commercials here I also signed a petition here:
StopPainAtThePump from
Here is the text from that email, in case you didn't get it: