Dear Maya, my
personal trainer,
First off, I want to apologize for calling you a b#tch. I know that was inappropriate and uncalled for. I'm sorry. I was just frustrated when I kept telling you the workout was too difficult and you'd return with a chipper, "Let's bounce around like hyped up kangaroos while waving our arms in the air!" The point was that I needed to tone down the workout. I guess you and I just have different definitions for "decreased difficulty". You see, I was starting to see stars before my eyes, and I figured that plus my pounding heart were signs it might be safer to slow down.
I know someone who is very overweight who claims she gets out of breath when she goes up a flight of stairs because of asthma. I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help but think to myself, "Uh, are you sure it isn't just because you're out of shape and overweight?" So now I'm going to be like that: I think there's something
wrong with my heart. Doesn't this seem substantiated by the fact I've had to go to the doctor once and the ER twice for it? Yes, I know we had it checked out, but that was about a decade ago. They didn't find anything wrong, 'though they advised a sinus node ablation. (Funny, that's what my overweight friend had done.) The verdict?I just needed to exercise more. Guess we're getting around to that, huh?
So anyway, I'm really excited to finally be working with you. I've been wanting to meet you since I first
heard about you a year or two ago but I never had a way to make it happen until I married a man with a PS2 this May. My mom funded our workouts as a Christmas present, and now, here we are.
You called it workout number three, but considering the time lapse between my last workout and this one, I think we should start over and call this number one.
I'll see you tomorrow!