I came home from work today to find that Micah had baked me cookies!* (Labeled as above. He makes me laugh.)
I'm a
celiac and thus can't eat wheat--a particular bummer for a girl who loves bread and sweets.
Yesterday at Powell Gardens'
luminary walk I lost all control and ate a S'mores. Then, because they had platters of free cookies about I figured, "I've already damaged myself. Why not eat more?" and enjoyed a tender, powdery, icing-topped sugar cookie replete with sprinkles.
Micah baked me cookies so I wouldn't be tempted to hurt myself like that again, and also so I wouldn't be left out: While I was away he'd baked the kids brownies.
*I love cookies!! I never get to eat cookies!! And these aren't even your usual "pretty good for gluten free", settle-for kind of cookies: These were the indiscernible from "regular", best of the best homemade type, definitely worthy of the label "incrediyummy".