Jul 12, 2006 14:18
The Encyclopedia Atlantica began as a compendium of works on the various cultures that sprang up from the populations seeded in the Pegasus Galaxy by those known by the titles: The Ancestors, The Ancients, and The Gate-Builders.
As time passed, articles were added on topics ranging from Ascended Culture to alternative (and creative) uses for Zero Point Modules. Every effort has been made to note the original authors, but due to the age of portions of the work it simply is not always possible.
Blanket Disclaimer for the Encyclopedia Project:
The thousand & one cultures of the Pegasus Galaxy, Atlantis herself, the Ancients, the Wraith, Chaya Sar, and anything else that bears more than passing resemblance to SGA are copyright MGM et all. No profit is being made from this endeavor, although the contributing authors claim ownership of any cultures detailed in the work that are not explicitly from the show.
encyclopedia atlantica,