Apr 05, 2012 18:40
So I haven't updated since mid-January . . . livejournal is still my homepage but few people I know update it and I find it hard to write about myself. Plus facebook has taken over everything but I don't update too much even on facebook. I mostly post pictures and check in at places.
Anyway, married life is going just fine. No bumps in the road or anything like that. Trying to figure out taxes and if we should file as married jointly or separately. Ryan's condo is making progress but my hope of being in a house by the end of summer is slipping away. Everything just takes so darn long.
For our one year anniversary we are planning to go to Kauai and already have it booked. I'm really excited and I think we've planned a lot of fun things. In preparation for the warm beaches we went lap swimming last night at the Redmond pool. It was great but showed us that we both need to get into better shape. Ryan has never gone lap swimming before so I kicked his butt but I'm sure that will change once he knows what he is doing. It is great exercise and I think it will allow us to better enjoy our time in the water when we are on Kauai. We are going to try to go once a week.