Oct 21, 2004 19:44
Yep...I'm back and what a way to return: Ripping off some questionare thingy from Ana. What? I'm bored...
[my name is]: Charles
[people call me]: Charlie, Chuck, Chax, Sexy, God(ok, only I call myself that), etc.
[in the morning i am]: ...sleepy...stupidass question...
[love is]: A damn good thing
[if i could see one person right now]: Austin...haven't seen him in like...5 months. I need my best friend!
[i day dream about]: Um...Sex? I'm a guy...I can't help it :p
[tall or short]: medium? NOt very tall, but not very short either
[bday]: October 22! Tommorrow, biatch!
[shoe]: 10
[school]: High school
[sibs]: Little bro named Christian
[righty or lefty]: Righty
H A V E . Y 0 U . E V E R
[been in love]: Yep
[lied]: *blinks* What kinda question is this?!
[given someone a bath]: Oh yeah...if, um, me or my dogs count...
[smoked]: Nope...my parents do and I hate the secondhand, so I'm not doing it myself
[bungee jumped]: Doing it soon, actually...b-day present
[broken the law]: Of course...lets see, arson(wanted for $1000!) and speeding, of course
[skinny dipped]: On a few dares
[cried to get out of trouble]: Nope, never needed too...I take it like a man...
[fallen for the wrong guy]: well, there was this...j/k NO WAY
[cut your own hair]: nah, I'm too vain to do that kinda damage
[been mean]: Hehe...always...I'm soooooo mean to inferior people!
[stalked someone]: No...but people have stalked me!
[been sarcastic]: *blinks* Again, what kinda question is this?!
[talked to someone]: I talk a lot...I"m talking to Ana right now...and texting Verity...
[hugged someone]: Sure have...gave out like...12 hugs today
[fought with parents]: *blinks* WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS?!
[skipped school ]: Skipped class...not school...unless it was with permission.
[had an imaginary friend]: When I was little
[wanted to hook up w/ a friend]: yep
[cried during a flick]: NO!...well...maybe...um...yes *bows head in shame*
W i t H . t H E . O P P O S i t E . S E X
[what do u notice first?]: Um...smile
[turn off-looks]: Someone who just...doesn't take care of themselves, doesn't LOOK self-confident
[turn off-personality]: Hmm...*shrugs* Posers, probably..
[race]: Dont' really care...
[hair length]: ...guys don't think aobut this stuff
[best height]: Eh...my girlfriend is taller than me...just a bit...but I tend to like same height or a bit shorter
[best weight]: *shrugs*
[best article of clothing]: *shrugs*
W H 0
[last called you]: Alison
[you last called]: Verity
[last emailed you]: Well...I get a lot of spamish type stuff...but...Ana? I think...
[you last emailed]: Steph...she needs to come back!
[last mailed letter to]: *blinks* People still do that?!?!WTF?!
[went to the mall w/ u]: Verity
[makes u laugh the most?]: I hang around with a lot of funny people...oh wait...I know the answer! Me!
[makes you smile]: Erica...and Verity...eh...we're not going to go into why there are two females in that category...its a tangled web I weave
[easier to talk to: boys or girls ?]: Girls
[have you known the longest]: Austin
[do you cry with]: I don't...
W 0 R D A S S 0 C i A t i 0 N
[red]: blood
[cow]: duck
[grass]: green
[blue]: sky
[mirror]: me
[cracker]: Mmmm
[zine]: zine
[aol]: I wish my computer would let me use it...
[jelly]: peanut butter is better...
t H i S 0 R t H A t
[day/night]: Night
[summer/winter]: summer...short skirts(hehe...used Ana's answere...but...well, for a different reason)
[lace/satin]: Ummmm
[tape/cd]: CD
[lust/love]: Love, I suppose...
[on phone/in person]: In person! I'm so much more personable in person...and much more personable on the phone than on IM...
[gold/silver]: Um...well...I don't really wear jewlery...
[scary/happy movies]: Scary...but good scary...not shitty slasher movies!
F A V 0 R i t E
[color]: ER...green?
[holiday]: Christimas? I get things...I like getting things
[shampoo]: Whatever is in my shower
[furniture]: WTF?
[emotion]: Um...hyper/happy/witty?
[pepsi or coke]: coke
[fast food]: Sonic
[animal]: Chimpanzee!
[sport to play]: Football
[sport to watch]: Boxing
[cartoon character]: Um...Cartman!
[language]: Duetspanglish...its my combination of German, English, and Spanish
[weekend activity]: Movies...gonna go see "I Heart Huckabees" this weekend with Verity...
[roller coaster]: Apollo's chariot...Busch Gardens Williamsburg, VA
[font]: WTF?
[store]: FYE
H A V E Y 0 U / / D 0 Y 0 U / / A R E Y 0 U
[obsessive]: Nah
[take a shower everyday]: Of course...it would be gross otherwise
[want to go to college]: Yep! University of Tennessee probably
[like high school]: Sure do...I'm so loved by everyone...I'm so great...
[want to get married]: Yeah! but a long time from now...as in...not anytime soon...as in...after I've been around the block a few times
[believe in yourself]: Yeah, I'm soooooooooooo perfect
[have piercings]: Nah...seems kinda pointless
[motion sickness]: Puh...I live for motion!...ok, so that sounded supid
[self esteem]: I'm sooooooooo perfect, need I say more?
[get along w/ your parents]: Yep...most of the time.
[like thunder storms]: Hell yeah! *sings* Gods of Thunder! Of Rock-and-Roll!
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to get on AIM?]: I have before...but...no, I don't
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: Puh...I dont' cry b/c of what others say...I'm so much better than everyone else...except for Ana :D We're both perfect and such...
[rejected someone]: Yeah...must with all the girls after me...
[done something u regret]: Yep...a few things
[color ur hair]: Nah
[ever get off the computer]: Of course...I wish I didn't have to, though...unless it ws to do somethign fun
M 0 R E
[could u live without the computer?]: NOOOOOO! I've had to do it a few times when the computer screwed up...*shudders*
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: About 15? I recently cleaned it out...
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Sunsets
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: *shrugs* Um, probably emotional...but I've never been in serious physical pain...so...eh
[trust others way too easily?]: Eh...kinda, I supposse
[is cheerleading a sport?]: Well, I wouldn't have said so before...but after seeing what one of my friends did...yeah
[last time slept with stuffed animal]: long ago
[houses lived in]: 5 I think
[schools gone to]: I do'nt want to think right now...this is to relieve my boredom
[bedroom carpet]: Blue
[age for marriage]: Not now...that specific enough for me
[last film seen in theatre]: Team America: World Police...SOOOO FUCKING HILARIOUS!
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: I had sushi today!:D
[bedtime]: Eh...10:30 weekdays...but I usually sit up in bed for a while...texting or just thinking & listening to music
[best feature]: I'm like...God...'nuff said!