Ok, here we go, a little up date from Chicago. Well actually its not chicago its elgin, about 40 min away from the city. Still though, before I came I told everyone I was going to chicago so I guess I still have it stuck in my head that I'm in chicago. Although it's a rockin good time in chicago, especialy on friday and saturday, at 3 O'clock in the morning it still feels like its about 10 cause every street is filled with people. Oh and I would like to tell everyone that I have never seen so much lesbian action in my life until I came here. Let me tell you there are lesbians everywhere. If you go to chicago your bound to see lesbians walking down the street or on a corner kissing. Then I think, what are guys doing wrong? I mean obviously were doing something wrong if this many women want another women for a mate. I mean how much pleasure can a women give another women? Oh well not my problem! Back at judson ville everything is hunky doory, my classes suck though, my biology class is starting to look up but not my chem class. I hate it, what does it have to do with biology, I want to be a biology major and I have to take stupid chem, I hate my life. Ok the lack of girls here is very unfortunate for me if I didn't have suck a
sexy girlfriend back home, luckily I do! As for all the rest of the guys here, sorry! seriously, you go to judson with high standerds and you leave thinking that every girl with some what of a nice body and a pretty smile is the hottest thing you've seen. Soccer here rocks, we're now 17-0 going for 18 on saturday. I'm playin here and there, I start maybe every other game and if I dont I come in like half way through the first half. I have 1 goal and some assist but thats about it. Ohhh so try living in arizona your whole life where mid winter gets about 60 degrees and you freeze your *** off. Yeah ok its already about 40 degrees out side and people are walking around in pants and a t-shirt. What the hell, I walk around looking like an eskimo. Yeah 2 pairs of underwear, 1 pair of sweat pants, genes, 2 shirts and 2 sweat shirts. Then I feel a little bit warmer! The worst thing though, its so cold at night yet I cant sleep unless I'm in my underwear. I try and I try to wear a shirt or some sweat pants but it doesnt work, mid way through the night everything comes off!!! So I just freeze! So the presidents are going at it in tempe tonight, wish I could be there. I wanna make a big sign asking what you would rather have, a monkey, or j leno as president? whats option (C) cause the first two sound a little sketchy. I really need to pick a president, but I cant bring my self to pick either one of the idiots. It's sad because one of them has some pretty good morals, to bad he bases all his decisions on moral values that wont help our country. Well ok thats being to harsh, he does make some good ones like no gay marriage or the no childern left behind. Ok so yeah kerry thinks thats stupid cause its going to lead to bad
education but hey, some
education is better then no education. Kerry, hes just being a successful politician, feed everyone words that will hit on the greatest demand. I choose nader!
P.S. today was really good, but I really miss my beautiful jordan!