The waiter just came by and said "how are you doing?"
How am I doing?
I'm eating alone in a bar at 11pm, how do you think I'm doing?
Someone I naively thought was a friend decided I'm a horrible person, based on lies other people told her, and now pretends in public that we've never met.
The one person i still trust thinks I'm crazy and wont tell me anything.
I don't have anyone to talk to because everyone around here is so incestuous.
I'm involved in at least three things I don't want to be in and can't find a way out of.
My therapist says "because it makes me uncomfortable" is a perfectly valid reason, but out here in the real world, no one will listen.
And I can't eat any of these french fries because I might be allergic to nightshades.
I didn't tell the waiter all that.
I said I was fine.
He brought me more water.
(edit: just ate half the fries. Expecting to burst into flame in 3... 2... 1...)
(edit 2: perhaps psychosomatic but my mouth totally just burst into flames.)
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