Nov 10, 2004 16:25
ok, so i can see all you're points in all this, but please hear me out.
im ont jsut talking about love, im tlaking about a relatiuonship. BEING w/ someone you love. you can't jsut put it all on trust and and have no compromise, otherweise you jsut end up unhappy. if you're signiffigant other want to go on a cruise w/ some girl that is WAY hotter than you and it makes you uncomfortable, are you jsut gonan say, ok go, i trust you not to do anything. i mean, sure you can trust him, but then you are gonan be all fucking strung up on shit, and you wont be really fucking happy. thats the whole point of being w/ someone, jsut being w/ someone that makes you happy. everyone does things that their signifigant other doesn't like, and sometimes they do things that they despise, so people make fucking compramise. you arn't going to be happy w/ everytrhing that someone else does, and if you dont speek your mind and tell them that they are pissing you off, then its jsut going to escalade. MY point in all this is, trust is good, but it can only take you so far.
and you know, you say quit your fucking bitching, but if ANYONE has a right to bitch i wold think it be me and kat and jacki, where does ANYONE ELSE have any fuking right to bitch and gripe. this isn't their fucking buisness. this isn't their relationship that is trying to work.
what is so fucking wrong about trying to make a relationship work? what do ytou all have against us being fucking happy? doesn't everyone deserve to be happy? huh? im so tired of allthis. this is ALL directly my fault. EVERY LAST BIT OF IT
i fucking lied and i have to deal w/ that. im sorry that it is affecting someone else beside kat but it happened. so im sorry jacki, i wish that it had never happened. but you know what, im NOT fucking sorry to anyone fucking else who think that they have ANY FUCKING SAY INTHIS!!!! first of all , a good majority of you dont have the slightest fucking clue what is really going on here. this is MY relationship. this is MY fight. it's not danny's or kirstem's or miranda and joey's or eth's or even jacki's! this is MY FUCKING THING!!! i am trying my fucking hardest to make everything work, to please everyone. im trying even fguckiung harder than that to make my relationship work. there is enough shit that has happened already happened that was my fault alone to make this in to a huge fucking soap opera, w/out everyone else chiming in their 3 cents on the matter.
so ya know what, i dont fucking care. ytou guys can fucking bitch about how what we're doing is wrong. about how you think this is a huge misytake and that im ruining everything. but ya know what., its my fucking mistake. if it's going to happen, its going to be on my fucking terms.
and one other thing, fuck you all for whgat your doing. any progress that was made, which there was alot, is curent;y being undone becuase stupid people have to make verything their problem and fucking judge us. so yeah: