May 21, 2010 01:58
oh my lord. can you believe it's been years since i posted on this thing? but i'm kind of super pleased that this old thing exists- i think i use it in a time of weirdness and transition and here i am again, back in that place. 7 years and nothing changes.
and where am i? well, it's 2 AM and i can't sleep. i'm moving from my favorite house in the world to a new place, further down in Noe and up and over a hill, but it's a place of my very own. which i think i desperately need. maybe this time i'll actually start cooking... my goal for every new place i've ever gone to. so the odds are Not Good but one can only hope. also a move is required since sleeping with the guy (and real blogger) across the street turned out only to absolutely destroy me. change of scenery required!
also, i am almost definitely changing jobs in the next month. not going to jinx it by putting it out there on the interwebs, though.
so consternation and distress. but joy and love too. i'm well taken care of. i'm a lucky lady. i think that i shall aspire to really make this summer beautiful.