End of Summer

Aug 17, 2006 20:41

Well, I haven't updated in ages. I told Tami and Shirah I would when I saw them in Buffalo...but obviously that didn't happen. A lot has happened over the summer and it was definitely one of the best I've had. I love my friends in Pittsburgh and I'm excited about starting my internship...but it's so hard to leave.

Most of my summer was spent working and volunteering. I usually worked full days (or as close as they'd give me to one) on Mondays and Friday, and afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I volunteered with kids on probation Tuesday and Thursday morning and afternoons, and Wednesday afternoon/nights. The volunteering was such a great experience. I can't pinpoint things I specifically accomplished, but the fact that some of the kids seemed sad to see me go is enough. One girl actually said she was going to miss me, and another was like, you will NOT see me around...I will NOT end up in jail. I was like good, because I'll be checking up on you. I definitely learned a lot just from watching them all interact. Plus I got to go to Attica!!!! You can't beat that.

Work was...ok. A lot of things about that place makes me really mad. They don't treat staff like they should. So many people are fake. The wrong people get the benefits. Some people should not be working there. It's dirty. The food sucks. People apparently break into the playground at night and drink and have sex there because the evidence of it is found the next morning when the kids are taken out. Yet they won't call the cops. Whatever. I love the kids there (for the most part). I love seeing them grow up and I'll definitely miss them when I leave. Yet I am SO excited that tomorrow is my last day. I'm just tired.

Other than that stuff...I saw as many people as I could. It seemed like I had something major going on every single weekend. I made a trip to NYC to see Deb and Kara, which was awesome. Crap...Kara I gotta call you back. Sorry!!! Anyway, I also went to two weddings. I can't believe Heidi is married!! I love how happy she is. She's still glowing. I got to see my nieces, and I can never get enough of them.

OK I'm watching a dude play guitar with a hand mixer....I NEED CABLE!!!!!!

Back to what I was talking about. I just love being at home. I feel so comfortable and happy. I have an amazing family, amazing friends, a REALLY amazing boyfriend :)...and I just love the community. It's so hard to leave. Then again, I have amazing friends in Pittsburgh too and I know I'll have a great time there. It's just being in that program that frustrates me. Hopefully I'll have a good internship this year. One week and I'm back there! Wish me luck!
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